Dear Parents,

At the outset, please accept my ‘Hearty Namaskar’.

As per the Government’s guidelines, we can open the schools now. However, the pandemic is still continuing and so it becomes imperative for us to stay extremely cautious and sincerely follow the guidelines given by the Government & CBSE.

The students of our school are as dear to us as to you. We are taking  all the precautions and  utmost care to ensure that they are  safe in the School. Your cooperation towards the same is solicited.

Kindly follow the given guidelines while sending your child to School.

  1. Your written Willlingness must be sent before sending the child to the School.
  2. If you are living in a containment zone , please do not send your child to School.
  3. The child must not be sent to the School if he/she has cold, cough, fever or discomfort of any sort or if anyone in the family has any of these or other symptoms
  4. Please ensure that the child is carrying a sanitizer & his own water bottle, big enough to keep him/her hydrated through the day.
  5. As per CBSE’s guidelines, eatables are allowed inside the campus. Please ensure the child has had healthy breakfast before he comes to school.
  6. Please ensure that the child wears a mask . It is compulsory.
  7. Send the child in full-sleeved winter uniform.
  8. Avoid sending the child in crowded vans or autos.
  9. Please ensure that the child practices hygiene at home too. After reaching home, all his/her belongings must be sanitized and he/she should take a bath.
  10. Mobiles are strictly prohibited in the campus
  11. If the child is coming on his own (on foot or bicycle) , please counsel him not to stop anywhere between home & school, maintain 6 ft. distance and  not  touch any surface. Please ask him to follow NO CONTACT policy. Your counseling, advice & supervision of your child is of paramount importance at this time.

We will keep updating you on Government’s guidelines & policies as  and  when we receive them.

Together, I am sure, we will be able to give our children a safe  & pleasant learning environment.



Shubhanjili Paliwal



My dear Student,

After a long wait , the time has come when we can  welcome you back to the School. However, the pandemic still continues and so it becomes extremely important for you be cautious  & sincerely follow the guidelines given by the Government , CBSE & School.

You are very dear to us and so we are taking all the precautions & utmost care to ensure that you are safe in the Campus. But, I expect your cooperation too.

You must read the given guidelines carefully and follow them sincerely when you come to School.

  1. Wearing a mask is compulsory. It should be on all the time that you are in the school.
  2. Wear long sleeved winter uniform.
  3. Eatables are not allowed inside the campus. You must eat healthy breakfast before leaving home.
  4. Carry your sanitizer & water bottles with you.
  5. Maintain at least 6 ft. distance from others, wherever you are.
  6. A desk has been labeled & earmarked specifically for you. Sit ONLY on that desk and do not ouch any other surface.
  7. Do not share things or keep your belongings anywhere other than on your desk.
  8. Follow NO CONTACT policy . Do not touch any surface,  doors, door knobs, anyone’s belongings  or any person.
  9. If there are people ahead of you on the gate or in the washroom, wait for your turn maintain 6 ft distance.
  10. Keep sanitizing your hands from time to time.
  11. Follow your teachers’ instructions.

You will be meeting your friends in the school campus after a long time and I can understand that you will be very happy & excited. But I am sure , the rational individual that you are, you will not get carried away and keep yourself and your friends safe.

You have contributed to so many achievements of the school. I am sure this time too, with teamwork, we will fight these challenging times successfully & emerge victorious.

I know I can trust you. Help us to keep you safe.

Your teachers & I are looking forward to seeing you.

Best Wishes,

Your Principal,

(Shubhanjili Paliwal)

About Us

Air Force school Agra is located within the premises of Air Force Station Agra. The school takes pride in completing 53 years of educating children from all over India with the light of knowledge as well as an efficient infrastructure to provide effective teaching and learning.


March 2025


Airport Station, Kheria Mod, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282008