Report on “Creative Week”


  • World Conservation Day
  • Tiger and Conserve Forest

Date: 26th July 2021- 30th July 2021


Conducted by: Art  Department

AIR FORCE SCHOOLAGRA celebrated ‘Creative Week’ from 26/07/21 to 30/07/21.According to UNESCO, “the encouragement of creativity from an early age is one of the best guarantees of growth in a healthy environment of self-esteem and mutual respect – critical ingredients for building a culture of peace.” Creativity is an elusive and contested concept. There have been many attempts to define it. Creativity has been described as ‘a state of mind in which all our intelligences are working together’ (Lucas, 2001) and as ‘the ability to solve problems and fashion products and to raise new questions’ (Gardner, 1993).

The theme of the Week is Protect Tiger & Conserve Forests. On July28, 2021, on the occasion of ‘World Nature Conservation Day’,Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.’ Air Force  School organized various activities for all the classes to instill in the students, the feeling of warmth and affection towards nature. The main objective of the event was to increase awareness about the best practices to conserve our natural resources and encourage sustainability.  On July 29, 202, on the occasion of ‘International Tiger Day’, is celebrated. The tiger is not only our national animal but a symbol of the ecosystem. As a top predator, wild tigers play an important role in maintaining the harmony of the planet’s ecosystems. Tiger being an umbrella species, its presence indicates the health of terrestrial ecosystem and declining tiger habitats indicates the depletion of life

The bells have now stopped jingling on enthusiastic dancers’ legs; the headdresses have been admired; paint has dried and fabulous posters displayed, as once again we celebrated the children’s wonderful art work. . A plethora of activities were conducted during the week. Each activity aimed at sensitizing the students to the fact that every aspect of life is intertwined and so everything needs to be looked at holistically.

In sync with the view, the following activities were conducted for the students:

July 26  Art Competition

( Posters in Madhubani/Warli  art with slogan on Saving  Tiger)


July 27 – Book marks & Paper bags on the theme ‘Save Tiger n Conserve Forests’


July 28- Music Competition


July 29- Dance ( on any element of Nature – fire, water, sky, earth or wind)



July 30  G.K. Quiz


The enthusiasm, the devotion, the passion with which the students engrossed themselves in the celebration reflected that they are the true torchbearers  to understand, analyses not only the causes of Nature’s fury and be the catalyst to join their hands to save our environment for better tomorrow but also are the catalysts to restore our rich cultural heritage. The curiosity to learn and the will to create change were clearly seen in the efforts of students.  It was a wonderful learning experience for the students as well as the teachers.

The results of the competitions are as follows:


CATEGORY 1(6th to 8th)

Name of the student Position House
Ansh Gupta (VIA) First  
Abhinav Pathak (VII C) First  
Mahi Kushwaha (VIII D) Second
Bhavya Gauri (VIII A) Second
Anshika Singh-7A Third
Shreya Malhotra (VII C) Third
Satyendra Yadav ( VIII A) Third

Class Activities

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Date : 14 Dec 2021

About Us

Air Force school Agra is located within the premises of Air Force Station Agra. The school takes pride in completing 53 years of educating children from all over India with the light of knowledge as well as an efficient infrastructure to provide effective teaching and learning.


March 2025


Airport Station, Kheria Mod, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282008